Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sometimes 15 is better than 17

I hiked (i.e. rode the bus) over to Dishman pool yesterday so I could get some laps in. It's been a week since I could get to the pool. We've had crazy weather here this last week. Snow piled up. And piled up. And piled up some more. And then Christmas happened. And then I had to work Friday. And before you know it, a full week passes.

So I get back to the pool yesterday. I hopped in and started stroking away; straight into a set of 50 yard laps. I tick off 5 laps leading with my right arm and breathing every stroke. I'm not as efficient as last week, but I'm getting to the deep end and back without stopping. I switch off to breathing to my right side for the next 5 laps. My form is worse on my right side but my swimming feels more relaxed. I switch back to leading with my right arm for 4 more laps and start to get tired. I try for a few more laps on my other side (breathing to the right). I get down the lane and back once but I'm losing steam fast.

I hop out of the water and head for the showers. I figure 15 full laps is twice as many as I managed previously. I also figure that my form is getting sloppier as I get more tired so it's time to call it good for the day. So progress continues.

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