Friday, April 11, 2008

I started riding home in the sunlight, and the first day I've been on my bike without a jacket or long sleeves in months. People were out everywhere. Lingering. Spontaneous parties grew in front of cafes and bookstores. I saw at least fifty bikes at a corner bar at Williams and Skidmore. A crowd milled about in front of "In Other Words." A girl bent to grab the frisbee from the flower planter while her bearded boyfriend watched from across the yard. An older woman inclined her head in response to my greeting while finishing a drag from her cigarette as she strolled down the sidewalk. I saw families set up with lawn chairs at the old rose garden on Ainsworth. Suddenly I'm riding in the day's last gleam. I don't take off my sunglasses; I greedily take every drop of gold coming from the west. The warm air sleeves my arms. It's the first day of spring.

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