Wednesday, February 28, 2007

42 erroneous words

I really love the special commentary by Keith Olbermann. He incisively destroys the silliness spewed forth by the right wing. His latest edition calls out Condeleeza Rice for getting her history wrong and making a pathetic analogy between Germany and Iraq. You can watch it here if you have a good connection. Crooks and Liars also provides the whole transcript of the commentary for your reading pleasure if you have a slow connection.

Favorite quote:
But then there's this part about changing "the resolution" about
Iraq, that it would be as ridiculous in the Secretary's eyes, as
saying that after Hitler was defeated, we needed to go back to
Congress to "deal with creating a stable environment in Europe after
he was overthrown."

Oh, good grief, Secretary Rice, that's exactly what we did do!

We went back to Congress to deal with creating a stable environment
in Europe after Hitler was overthrown!

It was called the Marshall Plan.


General George Catlett Marshall!

Secretary of State!

The job you have now!


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