Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Captain Ridiculous

"Hello, this is your Captain speaking..."

So I stopped posting almost exactly 3 months ago. It depends on whether you count months as "blocks of 30 days" (in which case, I last posted slightly less than 3 months ago) or whether you count months as calendar months (in which case, I last posted 3 months and one day ago). In any case, life has kept me busy busy busy. Mostly I've taking care of little miss Elliot, who has been nothing but a joy and a blessing. Okay. Maybe she's been a pooper and a barfer, too. But hey it's cute when kids do it, right?

I've been taking some classes to get some prerequisites done. What kind of prerequisites you say? The kind of prerequisites necessary for a health care-related job. The kind that involve labs and maybe cadavers (except at my school) and microscopes. Those kind of prerequisites. They are fun.

And in the little time that I have left over after Elliot and school, I don't get to do much adventuring. So I mostly obsess. I get downright monomaniacal about trivial stuff. I have a hard time channeling my imagination properly. I invent fantastic scenarios for the most mundane items on the little big-screen projected on the inside of my forehead. Most recently, those items have been journals, bags and (to some extent) pens. In an semi-cathartic and wholly, publicly narcissistic sort of self-expository therapy, I'm going to share some of the items that I came across in my mad window-shopping spree on the internet. The best part is that I am going to try and post things that I actually like (and want) and that have some real function but still express sort of ridiculousness.
Like being way overpriced.
Or maybe a little goofy.
Or a profound mismatch to my lifestyle.
Mixed in to this menagerie will be some items that I own that may not be ridiculous in and of themselves. They might be ridiculous because of the amount of time I spent thinking about them. Or they might just be illustrative of why I have gear lust for some of the other things I plan to parade through here in the next several postings.

Mocking comments are expected and deserved in most instances. I know this isn't the sort of adventure travelogue, fun time story I usually dish out, but bear with me. It could still be pretty entertaining.

"Please make sure your tray tables are secured and seat backs are in their upright positions. Welcome to crazy land. Flight crew prepare for landing."

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